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January 12, 2010

Believe That You’ll Have A Super Blessed Year! - Bo Sanchez

Interesting Quotes from this Article:

Your life is like clay in your hand.
Because God has given you the power to shape your life.
And God has given you two powerful tools to shape your life: Your Faith and your Action.
Because the clearest expression of your Faith is when you Act on your Faith.

A lot of people have Negative Faith. And their Negative Faith creates their negative life.
Don't give up. Believe. Put God first. And a day will come when you'll see the light exploding in your darkness.

Believe that God has a great future in store for you. Believe that your future is brighter than your past. And keep doing what's right. Keep acting on your faith.

God has a great future planned for you. So don't pray small prayers. Pray for great ones. Expect great things to happen to you. The Bible says, Ask me and I will give you the nation as your inheritance.

Do you believe that you'll have a super-blessed year?

Thoughts are powerful but words are even more powerful.

I've written here a powerful declaration for you to say. But I ask you to say it with conviction. Confess this out loud…

"I declare I'll have a super-blessed year in 2010! I claim a year of amazing abundance for my life. This year, I shall receive more love and give more love. I shall experience more joy, greater generosity, dreams fulfilled, financial increase, open doors, new opportunities, divine connections, supernatural appointments, great miracles, answered prayers, and exponential growth—Amen!"

My sons love playing with clay.

I think it's a great toy.

Because you can shape it in anyway you want.

My boys would ask, "Dad, make a ball!" and I'd roll it on my hands and make a ball. My boys would ask, "Dad, make a hotdog!" and I'd rub it between my palms and make a hotdog. My boys would ask, "Dad, make a donut!" and I'll connect the two ends and make a donut. My boys would ask, "Dad, make an Optimus Prime Autobot Transformer Robot!" and I'll tell them, "Nah, that's too simple for me. Here, why don't you try it?"

Friend, here's the truth that has been hidden from you for a long time now. Your life is like clay in your hand.

Because God has given you the power to shape your life.

And this new year is no different.

How do you want your 2010 to look like? It's really up to you. It's your choice. You call the shots. You decide your destiny.

I repeat. Your life is a clump of clay. And God has given you two powerful tools to shape your life: Your Faith and your Action.

Actually, Faith and Action are one. Because the clearest expression of your Faith is when you Act on your Faith.

And you'll discover that life—and all of God's creation—will adjust to your Faith and Action.

READ MORE: Believe That You'll Have A Super Blessed Year!

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