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January 6, 2010

Indoor Plants that We Must Have in Our House

Seventeen years ago Kamal Meattle found out that the air in his home city of Dehli was killing him.  He had grown allergic to the pollutants in the air and his lung capacity started declined to 70%.  He began researching and found that these three plants can provide a human with all the fresh air they need indoors to be healthy.  The three plants are the Areca Palm, the Mother-in-law’s Tongue , and the Money Plant….

1. The Living Room plant
The Areca Palm (or Chrysalidocarpus lutescens) is does great air cleansing work during the day.  About 4 shoulder height plants per person should do the trick

2. The Bedroom plant
The Mother-in-law’s Tongue (or Sansevieria trifasciata) takes over by converting CO2 to O2 at night.  You want about 6 to 8 of these waist high plants per person.

3. The Specialist plant
The Money Plant (or Epipremnum aureum) does the job of filtering out removing Formaldehyde and other VOC’s (Volatile Organic Compounds).

The Indian Government has rated the building the healthiest buidling in Delhi, and studies have shown that after spending 10 hours in the building your body will be working better than before.

Aside from being a natural and beatiful source of fresh air, this method also helps reduce energy consumption, because you don’t need to filter or bring fresh air in. 

Source:  TED

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