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September 25, 2008

Linux Keyboard Shortcut

Because I am starting to like Linux, I want to use it or as easy as I am using Windows.

I have a problem showing the desktop of Linux using keyboard shortcut like windows_key+D for windows. So, I consulted my bestfriend Google, and as expected, my bestfriend did not fail me.

So here it is and other shortcuts that I have learned:

ctrl + alt + D ---> show desktop
ctrl + alt + left_right_arrow ---> window switcher
alt + TAB ---> application switcher
alt + F8 ---> resize window
ctrl + alt + F1--F6 ---> go to first-sixth text terminal
alt + F7 ---> back to GUI terminal


"If you ask anything of me in my name, I will do it."
(john 14:14)

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"THY words is the lamp unto my FEET and the light unto my PATH"