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October 6, 2008

Vocabularies of the Day - October 6, 2008

1. illuminate - v. ilawan; liwanagin

2. flatware

1. Tableware that is fairly flat and fashioned usually of a single piece, as plates.
2. Table utensils such as knives, forks, and spoons.

3. pungent - adj. maanghang; matulis

1. Affecting the organs of taste or smell with a sharp acrid sensation.
1. Penetrating, biting, or caustic: pungent satire.
2. To the point; sharp: pungent talks during which the major issues were confronted.
3. Pointed: a pungent leaf.

4. ecstatic - extremely enthusiasthic

1. Marked by or expressing ecstasy.
2. Being in a state of ecstasy; joyful or enraptured.

5. abstinence - n. The act or practice of refraining from indulging an appetite or desire, especially for alcoholic drink or sexual intercourse.

SYNONYMS abstinence, self-denial, temperance, sobriety, continence.
Antonyms: drunkenness, excess, indulgence, intemperance, intoxication, revelry, self-indulgence

6. ascetic - severely abstinent

7. tender - soft, succulent, delicate, masticable
Antonyms: tough, callous, inflexible, tenacious

8. tasty - pleasant, luscious, savoury, appetizing
Antonyms: unsavoury, insipid, vapid, flat

9. wholesome - healthful, salubrious, salutary, beneficial
Antonyms: unsanitary, noxious, harmful, injurious

10. spicy - aromatic, piquant, fragrant, pungent
Antonyms: dull, unflavoured, odourless, jejune

11. lavish - generous, unstinted, munificent, bountiful
Antonyms: close, stingy, miserly, niggardly

12. arrogate - those who unreasonably assume power

13. castigate - those who punish

14. instigate - those who goad on

15. facilitate - those who make things easier

16. irrigate - those who artificially water a field

17. felicitate - those who wish you happiness

18. initiate - those who are the first to do something

19. propitiate - those who try to appease you

20. rusticate - those who stay for a time in the country

21. enervate - those who weaken you

22. simulate - those who assume a false appearance

23. exacerbate - those who make a quarrel more bitter

24. equivocate - those who talk with the purpose to deceive

25. incriminate - those who connect someone with a crime

26. satiate - those who fully satisfy your hunger

27. scintillate - those who sparkle in conversation

28. sublimate - those who turn bad impulses into worthy acts

29. intimate - those who hint at something

30. vacillate - those who can't make up their minds, to waver in mind

31. vegetate - those who live a stagnant life, like a plant

32. appease - v. payapain; palubagin

33. goad
n. 1. A long stick with a pointed end used for prodding animals.
2. An agent or means of prodding or urging; a stimulus.

tr.v., goad·ed, goad·ing, goads.
To prod or urge with or as if with a long pointed stick.


Act as if what you do makes a difference.
It does.

William James

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